We get a lot of customers coming to use with blue, black or grey screens. We can usually fix these errors quickly and without any loss of data (unless the hard drive is failing). Windows PCs usually crash with a blue or black screen, and Macs crash with a grey screen.
This is an error on a MacBook Air. This can occur on any Apple Mac (desktop or laptop). It is a problem to do with the hard drive, usually that it’s failing. If you see this error, it’s best to leave the machine witched off to avoid potential irrecoverable data loss. See our Sheffield Apple Mac Repair page for more Mac fix information. ‘Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart’ – the modern version of the blue screen in Windows 8, 8.1 or 10…is often caused by the same problems (a faulty driver, corrupt hard drive, failing RAM etc.) – we can fix this for you in Sheffield or nearby, visit our PC desktop fix or laptop fix pages. “The user profile service failed the logon user profile cannot be loaded” – this error is usually caused by a corrupt file or setting in the user’s profile. It’s sometimes tricky to fix but luckily the problem is often fixable. Sometimes when you log into your profile, a temporary user profile is loaded instead of your profile. The user’s data should still be there but you should be careful if you try to fix yourself. When a computer boots in safe mode a list of files loading will be displayed. This boot as got stuck at agp440.sys which indicates a graphics card driver or hardware problem. This error message can appear when the computer is having difficulty recognising the hard drive, there are corrupt files or when Windows isn’t set up correctly – it can usually be fixed without too much trouble.