If a computer is slow it may be better for the customer to upgrade a component rather than buy a whole new machine.
Anything could improve the performance, but usually adding extra RAM or a faster CPU or an SSD hard drive will be the most cost/effective option.
CPU (central processing unit): The brain power of the computer. It’s pretty obvious that faster is better in this case, but sometimes options are limited and not worthwhile. RAM (random access memory): The machines very fast, short term memory. If you have more RAM the computer can do more things at once. SSD (solid state disk): These are relatively new versions of traditional hard drives. Usually at least 10x faster than traditional hard drives which means all the data needed can be accessed 10x faster (or more). this equates to a computer being in a useable state in 10-20 seconds rather than 2-5 minutes. No one ever regrets an SSD upgrade!
If the PC is used for games a graphics card upgrade will let it play games better. (Better graphics and shorter loading times).
If you need more space for photos/videos/games a new hard drive could be useful.
Often if you couple an upgrade with a re-installation of Windows you’ll really notice a difference. A recent customer was very please with the performance increase after tripling the amount of RAM and reinstalling windows.
Any upgrade can be made. We can source the parts if required and the installation fee is nearly always only £15 per item.